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Each state government and the federal government have a grants program covering a variety of waste related initiatives

Landfill Management

With investment required in the waste and recycling industry to better manage materials following China’s National Sword policy, grants are an excellent way to financially assist potential projects to reduce risk and accelerate timelines.


The Diverter helps a variety of organisations with the complete government grant process.


Each state government and the federal government have a grants program covering a variety of industries.


For waste and recycling organisations, relevant grants are usually available from state governments and those funds are usually proportional to the amount of waste levy revenue that the state is collecting from tonnes to landfill.


The Diverter can assist with grants from all Australian states including identifying the most appropriate grant, development of a grant proposal idea and completion of the application form.


  • Identify a grant that is compatible with your idea making sure that it is currently open to applications, the idea is eligible, the funding amount and any matching is suitable and participation in the grant process will not hinder the proposed project.


  • Refine the project proposal in line with grant requirements – the idea needs to address the objectives of the grant program which may be diversion from landfill, increasing organics composting, delivering community education or delivering new infrastructure.


  • Submit an application  which puts the project proposal’s best foot forward. The grant may have a deadline or it may be open until funds are exhausted. Either way, submissions should be made with other competitors in mind. The application form will often require applicants to articulate their knowledge on the broader market.


  • Monitor the grants assessment process as some grants may take longer than expected to award, which may put pressure on expected timelines for project implementation.


  • dvice of a successful application will lead to execution of agreements, documenting timelines and milestones, establishing payment dates for tranches and setting dates for lodging progress reports. Grants received need to be managed through to project completion to ensure that the expectations of the government or funding body are met.  


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